Sunday, October 12, 2008


I just returned for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with my family. Meals are usually pretty "loud" when we get together. Now they are even more active because one of us is always playing with our little son, who didn't love the turkey but enjoyed lots of pumpkin pie.

I would like to thank Leor, Jason, Ella, and Fred for volunteering to canvas with me in South Calgary today. You all had other plans today, but made time for the campaign anyway. Thank you very much! It was particularly significant to me that Ella, a new Green Party volunteer, is not yet old enough to vote, but is eager to take part in a campaign. I am so impressed with her conscientiousness. Ella has many interests, including art, and is a curious, intelligent young person who takes initiative. Her parents must be very proud of her.

Many Green candidates are exchanging well wishes through our email distribution list. It's quite sad that it's winding down so quickly. I know that each of us, the campaign team and volunteers are tired from non-stop effort and looking forward to spending time with their families again.

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