Saturday, October 4, 2008

Immigrants are eager to work in their fields.

I stopped into the Good Earth Cafe (11th Street) this morning to meet more Calgary Centre constituents. At one table I met four people, all immigrants to Canada. One of them, a mechanical engineer and another, a veterinarian have been in Canada for seven years but are not able to work in their field. They said that it is possible to become accredited in Canada, but it is a lengthy and costly process. In the meantime, they have to work to support their families. This story is unfortunately very common. Our communities will benefit when we eliminate barriers for people seeking to work in their professional field. Here is what the Green Party will do...
  • Press professional societies to remove unnecessary barriers recognizing the professional credentials of immigrants.
  • Ensure such professionals being considered for immigration will have the licensing requirements for their profession clearly explained before entry. Landed immigrants with professional qualifications will be supported and given the opportunity to obtain Canadian licenses consistent with public safety.

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